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circle of hands.jpg


Practitioners' Corner is designed for people who have a working knowledge of Jin Shin Jyutsu. It includes a selection of collages and handouts I made to help me, and other students of Jin Shin Jyutsu, understand more about this incredible healing art.

Since beginning my study of this art in 2002, one of my greatest joys is knowing I will never fully understand all the intricacies of Jin Shin Jyutsu. The more I learn, the more I realize there is to learn. It is a lifetime study.


The collages I created for each depth include all the elements listed on The Answer Sheet, plus the pulse textures and intention for each depth. This project took me two years to complete and taught me an incredible amount about Jin Shin Jyutsu. The collages are now hanging in my healing arts studio and continue to teach me about the elements of each depth and the interrelationships between the depths.

The series of handouts illustrate what SELs are helped by holding each individual finger or the palm. I had many written notes about the power of holding fingers, but I wanted pictures to see, and better understand, the healing energy received at specific locations on the body.


I am happy to share my creations. Feel free to copy these collages and handouts for your own use or to share with others.

Depth Collages

1 Depth with tag.jpg

Depth Qualities of First Depth​

Finger - Thumb

Attitude - Worry
Safety Energy Locks - 1-4
Element - Earth
Function - Skin surface
Stress - Sitting
Project - Stomach
Age - 1-15
Organs - Stomach & Spleen
Cervical Vertebrae - C1
Astrological Signs - Gemini & Cancer

Planet - Saturn

Number - 5
Color - Yellow
Tone - G
Day of Week - Saturday
Season - Hottest time of the summer
Direction - Center
Metal - Lead
Mineral - Black Onyx
Taste - Sweet
Smell - Fragrant
Quickie - Deep SEL 6/Little toe

2 Depth with tag.jpg

Depth Qualities of Second Depth
Finger - Ring
Attitude - Sadness/Grief
Safety Energy Locks - 5-15
Element - Air/Metal
Function - Deep skin
Stress - Reclining
Project - Skin
Age - 16-30
Organs - Lung & Large Intestine
Cervical Vertebrae - C5
Astrological Signs - Aries & Taurus
Planet - Venus/Uranus
Number - 9
Color - White
Tone - E
Day of Week - Friday
Season - Fall
Direction - West
Metal - Copper
Mineral - Emerald
Taste - Tart
Smell - Fleshy
Quickie - Calves

3 depth with tag.jpg

Depth Qualities of Third Depth
Finger - Middle        
Attitude - Anger
Safety Energy Locks - 16-22
Element - Chi/Wood
Function - Blood
Stress - Reading
Project - Eyes
Age - 31-45
Organs - Liver & Gall Bladder
Cervical Vertebrae - C2
Astrological Signs - Aquarius & Pisces
Planet - Jupiter
Number - 8
Color - Green
Tone - C
Day of Week - Thursday
Season - Spring
Direction - East
Metal - Tin
Mineral - Sapphire
Taste - Sour
Smell - Rancid
Quickie - SEL 14

4 depth with tag.jpg

Depth Qualities of Fourth Depth
Finger - Index
Attitude - Fear
Safety Energy Lock - 23
Element - Water
Function - Muscle
Stress - Standing
Project - Ears
Age - 46-60
Organs - Kidney & Bladder
Cervical Vertebrae - C6
Astrological Signs - Libra &  Scorpio
Planet – Mercury/ Neptune/ Pluto

Number - 6
Color – Blue-black
Tone - F
Day of Week - Wednesday
Season - Winter
Direction - North
Metal - Mercury
Mineral - Amethyst
Taste - Salty
Smell - Putrid
Quickie – SEL 8

5 depth with Tag.jpg

Depth Qualities of Fifth Depth
Finger - Little finger
Attitude - Pretense/Trying to
Safety Energy Locks - 24-26
Element - Fire
Function - Bone
Stress - Walking
Project - Heart
Age - 61+
Organs - Heart & Small Intestine
Cervical Vertebrae -C3
Astrological Signs - Leo & Virgo
Planet - Mars
Number - 7
Color - Red
Tone - A
Day of Week - Tuesday
Season - Summer
Direction - South
Metal - Iron
Mineral - Ruby
Taste - Bitter
Smell - Burnt
Quickie - SEL 6

6 and 7 depth with Tag.jpg

Depth Qualities of Sixth Depth

Finger - Center of palm
Safety Energy Locks – 0 - 26
Element - Primordial Fire
Function - Breath of Life
Stress - Sleeping
Project - Death
Organs - Diaphragm & Umbilicus
Cervical Vertebrae - C7
Astrological Signs – Sagittarius & Capricorn
Planet - Moon
Number - 5
Color - Red
Tone - D
Day of Week - Monday
Direction - Mid-heaven
Metal - Silver
Mineral - Pearl
Quickie - Center of palm


Depth Qualities of Seventh Depth
Element - Light
Function - Connection
Cervical Vertebrae - C4
Planet - Sun
Number - 11
Color - Light
Tone - B
Day of Week - Sunday


SELs helped by holding
the fingers or the palm

1 Thumb SEL Depth CFB.jpg
1 Index finger SEL Depth CFB.jpg
1 Middle finger SEL Depth CFB.jpg
1 Ring finger SEL Depth CFB.jpg
1 Little finger SEL Depth CFB.jpg
1 Palm SEL Depth CFB.jpg
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